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Showing posts from April, 2019


Headed down to Ballston again because of rumors of some new openings.  Ballston Quarter is still a hot mess but across the street at "Ballston Exchange" (north of Wilson) there is a new healthier food option called Dirt (the "I" is italicized and carved into the tables.  Not sure why.)  In any case, these Impossible Meat burgers are all the rage and Dirt has one so it was worth the try.  The good news:  The burger was delightful.  Chockful of a great variety of foodstuffs, including tomato, sauteed onions, pickles (yes ...), vegan cheddar and a nicely zippy vegan cashew chipotle sauce, it was a yummy and filling dish (no sides).  The restaurant purports to be about "healthy-ish, clean eating" and caters not only to vegans, but also to paleos, meat lovers and plant-based eaters.  The lengthy menu has enough items to make many visits but there are also a few issues, mostly a result, I think, of opening weeks craziness.  It took two tries to f...