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Namaste Everest

Billed as modern Indian and Nepali this new addition to Pentagon Row features many familiar dishes typical in southern Indian restaurants (milder spices and more tomato-based offerings).  Their 11:30am to 3pm weekday brunch offers a chance to get a good overview of their food.  Today, I was able to try out a small salad with pickle, Vegetable Pakora, Chana Masala, Palak Paneer, Nilgiri Korma, Daal Fry and a salad.  All dishes were very mild with the Daal (which included brown, black and yellow lentils) and Chana having a nice, subtle flavor.  The Palak Paneer, my favorite dish, was too mild for my tastes so I added some pickle relish from the condiments, which provided quite a kick.  The salad was predominantly iceberg lettuce which I don't care for, but the cucumbers and carrot slices seemed very fresh.  The Nilgiri Korma was the best of the bunch and something I would have never tried if not for the buffet as I usually skip creamy sauces.  The cream was light and the dish flavorful with herbs.  Well-balanced, it made me rethink Korma in general.  Another dish I tend to skip (due to greasiness) is the Vegetable Pakora.  Yes, it is deep-fried but this Pakora was made from diced veggies formed into patties.  It was quite good, even without the de rigueur cilantro and tamarind sauces I added.  Quarters of buttered naan were set on the table while I filled up my plate.  The naan was soft and, like everything else, had a gentle texture.  The Nepali dishes at the buffet were meat-based so I skipped them but think of Nepal straddling the spot between India and China.  A peek at the dinner menu revealed dumplings, chow mein and Manchurian options.  Prices are low (less than $14 for the all-you-can-eat buffet) and the space has been upgraded a good deal from the noodle restaurant which inhabited it earlier.  Staff needs to pick up their game a bit but this is opening, I would give it a month or so.  The Maitre d' plopped me down and ran off without asking about drink options or telling me how the buffet worked.  He repeated his disappearing routine when it was time for the check.  The buffet itself was out of plates, Pakora, and low on everything else by 1:15 on a Friday.  The kitchen crew worked quickly and everything was replenished within a few minutes.  As mentioned, I'm thinking these are opening pains which will diminish over time.  Would I visit again?  Yes, if only to try another favorite dish, Baingain Ka Salan, and the dumplings.

Table-Service "Modern Indian" and Nepalese
1201 S. Joyce St., Arlington (Pentagon Row)


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